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About us

The Beta Zeta Chapter of Theta Chi is the leading men's fraternity at Michigan State University.  Founded in 1939, the chapter has initiated over 2,400 brothers.  The chapter continues to reside in the original building, affectionately known as "The Lodge", at 453 Abbot Road, East Lansing, Michigan, just a short walk from the M.S.U. campus.

The house and this website are owned by the Alumni Corporation of Beta Zeta.  The Alumni Corporation is run by a Board of Trustees consisting of 9 members.

The mission of the Alumni Corporation is to provide a home and infrastructure that optimizes the fraternity experience of Theta Chi brothers actively attending Michigan State University and to continue providing this experience into the future.


All men who have become members of the Beta Zeta Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity and have maintained a good standing therein shall be eligible for membership in this Corporation.The men eligible for active membership shall be those who at the time of graduation from Michigan State University (“MSU”) were in good standing in the Fraternity and all those who shall graduate from Michigan State University in the future as members of the Fraternity, and all undergraduates who have discontinued or shall in the future discontinue their course of study at MSU before graduation who have been bonafide members of the Fraternity.

current board members
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Jeff Turck

Nickname: Turckman

Winter 1982

Dan Noble

Nickname:  TBD


John Walsh

Nickname: JW 1


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Andrew Hepburn

Nickname:  Hep

Fall 1984

John Ringlein

Nickname:  RingChoad

Winter 1984

Ken Marlin

Nickname:  Naphead

Fall 1975

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Nicholas Guerro
Kai Jensen
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Scott Hibbard

Nickname:  Sweetnic  

Winter 1980

Nickname:  Theta Kai

Fall 1984

Nickname:  Hibbi

Spring 1983

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